Catgut Embedding Le Thuy Oanh

Our institute is specialized in accupuncture, catgut-embedding, massage, footmassage, bioenergy treatment.
Catgut-embedding, Dr. Le Thuy Oanh’s method The catgut-embedding (or in other word catgut inserting) is a method that inject and embed self-vanishing catgut to the accupuncture points. The catgut then stimulate those points over a long period. So it is similar to the traditional accupuncture but is more effective. Catgut-embedding can be seen as a special variation of accupuncture that has been further developed and where traditional and modern medicine techniques are combined to each other Biochemical measurements have shown that the catgut-embedding increases level of protein and carbohydrate that is advantagous. Beside that the stimulation caused by the embedded catgut improves the circulation and has positive effect to the surrounding of the embedded point or to the paralyzed body parts. Helps to build better muscles, strengthen it. New nerve wihtin muscle may come to life. In Vietnam this method is utilized first in 1972 in army hospitals number 103, 108 and 91, in Hanoi Traditional Institute, etc. In 1982 paralyzed children were treated with this method under supervision of dr. Nguyen Tai Thu in Vietnamese Accupuncture Institute. In 1988-1989 this methos was utilized for curing asthma, numbness, lameness, allergy, epilepsy, dumb, deaf, a central army hospital and there were positive results in certain cases Dr. Le Thuy Oanh introduced this method to Hungary in 1990. Since then the method has been introduced in several medical organizations like in Traditional Association, in Budapest Yamamoto Accupuncture and Rehability Institute, in Debrecen Childrenhouse. We achieved good results in many difficult cases so the method has gained acceptance and recognition from many patients. People came to us not only from Hungary but from abroad, too. From August 1998 we travel once a month to France to cure children born with lameness, dumb or deaf. We can say tha Hungary is the 1st European country where catgut-embedding is introduced. The catgut-embedding was originated from the traditional accupuncture. By now this method has been developed into a special curing method. Since 1989 we has been developed a special instrument for catgut-embedding. With it the catgut-embedding is less painful, causing less blooding and the sterilization is also easier This method is very versatile, it was applied to 45 days old child, applied to patient has been lame for 22 year. The method were utilized for curing thousands of people with our own designed special needle and we have reached good results.

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Cím: 1161 Csömöri út 73, Budapest, Hungary

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